Business Services


(search by PID/OIN, Model or Description)


# 400820 (.pdf)
T1 / E1 / PRI Monitor Box

Mounts between Network Interface Unit "Smart Jack" and Customer Service Unit (CSU)

2. Monitors T1 signal, loopback or drop & insert


# CAT-107G (.pdf)
Remote Network Cable Tester w/ Tone Generator
AT&T PID # ATT.100035180

Cable Test Features:
●  Short
●  Reversed
●  Miswired
●  Split Pairs

Additional Features:
●  Specially designed Remote Unit  that enables one person to test installed cables.

Tone Generator* Features:
●  Verification of Shield Integrity
●  Puts Tracer Tone on Cable
* Tone Generator function requires customer supplied Cable Tracing Probe

Soft Vinyl Carrying Pouch &
Remote Terminating Cable

CAT 5 Cables

CAT 5 CABLES (RJ45 to RJ45) (.pdf)
( @ various lengths - SEE PDF for PID/OINs )


USB-C to DB9 Pin (male), (3')

# 400721USBC (.pdf)
USB-C to DB9 Pin (male)

AT&T PID # ATT.200009155

Portable "C" & "R" Kit


# KIT-RHPCR (.pdf)
Portable “C” HDSL Powering Unit &
Portable “R” Unit Kit
AT&T PID # ATT.100035181

(cards not included)

Portable R - HDSL Test Kit

# RHDSL-BST01 (.pdf)
Portable "R"- HDSL Test Kit

ATTSE # ATT.100011889

ATT 12 STATE # ATT.100071972

●  4 Slots for 200/400 Mech. HDSL "R" Cards
●  Rugged Connectors
●  Various Test Cords

(cards not included)

# PHTUC-KIT01 (.pdf)
Portable "C" HDSL Powering / Test Unit Kit
AT&T PID # ATT.200002322

●  Bantam Jacks for T1 Test Sets
●  Isolates Troubles
●  1 Slot (2 & 4 Wire)
●  New Installs

(cards not included)

●  Hardwire Multi-Cords for Standard Butt Sets (.pdf)

(call for more information)

●  Deluxe Weatherproof Hardwire Multi-Cord (.pdf)

(call for more information)

Contact a TAG sales representative today at: 856-753-8585

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